The Jewish Education Project has curated a collection of resources on the May 2021 Israeli-Palestinian crisis.

In Service Learning Models the obligation to engage in tikkun olam, repairing the world, serves as the focal point for learning.

The Jewish Educator Portal has curated an engaging selection of resources to help teach the Jewish New Year.

Resources on death and dying created as part of the Shomer Collective Educator Fellowship.
Produced through a partnership between The Jewish Education Project and The Lippman Kanfer Institute for Living Torah.

Resources to help educators respond to issues of systemic racism within this country.

Welcome to the Thought Experiment Podcast, an exploration of fresh ideas and active minds in the world of Jewish Education, with Malka Fleischmann, our Director of Knowledge and Ideas at The Jewish Education Project.

A collection of resources to assist educators in teaching about abortion through a Jewish lens.