Not all models fit neatly into one of our major groups (or “buckets”). As new innovations emerge and new experiments are designed, we envision more models may cross-over or be outside of these buckets. In the future, we will most likely identify new groupings based on the success of these models.

These models are part of a larger collection of innovation models for Congregational Learning.

Living Judaism Music

Living Judaism is an all-inclusive experiential learning model of Jewish Education. The purpose of the model is to engage every learner, provide carefully constructed learning experiences, build a strong identity, root students firmly in tradition, and create memories to last for years to come.


J-JEP is a multi-denominational collaboration between Beth Shalom, a traditional Conservative congregation, and Rodef Shalom, a Classical Reform congregation. The learning in J-JEP reflects the belief that no two households are the same.

Mayim Children

Mayim, our initial example of "Additional" Models, could be placed in a Multi-aged, Project-Based Learning, or Experiential Learning bucket. Mayim is a K-5 learning community in which depth of relationships and depth of learning are intentionally fostered and visible everywhere.