Resources on the situation in Israel and Gaza from M² and The Jewish Education Project.
The Camp/Retreat Model provides learners with intense, immersive Jewish learning environments.
A collection of Hadar's new Devash series on the book of Shemot.
A collection of resources to help educators and learners address gun violence in schools
Shmita, "The Sabbatical Year", began Rosh Hashanah 2021. It's a beautiful time and a terrific opportunity to teach students about Eretz Yisrael, Shabbat, environmentalism, and so much more. The Jewish Educator Portal has curated a selection of resources that will aid educators in structuring lessons and teaching about The Sabbatical Year 5782.
Torah Time is a new podcast that helps busy families make quality time for learning the parashah together.
A collection of Hadar's new Devash series on the book of BeMidbar.
A collection of resources that explore five critical moments in Israeli history.
Resources for teaching Yom HaZikaron, Yom HaAtzma’ut, and Yom Yerushalayim.