Select as many that apply.
This Sukkot lesson plan explores Jewish texts in-depth and is adaptable to both online and in-person.
What does the Sukkah represent? Literal huts or protective clouds?
Comprehensive set of Sukkot and Simchat Torah activities for diverse learning styles and perspectives.
Moshe leads the Jewish people in making sacrifices and sprinkling blood, but this time, the kids get to be involved. Sounds messy! And what could it mean to say "we will do and we will hear" in that order?
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes learning Torah sweet!
Why did Aharon the High Priest wear a lot of special clothes, like the Hoshen?
Curated children's books for all ages to encourage Disability Awareness, Acceptance, & Inclusion
“They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.” certainly holds true for Purim- so why the Hamantaschen?
Michelle Shapiro Abraham of the Union for Reform Judaism discusses her approach to teen engagement.
A list of basic access suggestions as a place to start