Find everything you need to lead engaging, nuanced and meaningful Israel Education in any setting. The Hub was created in collaboration with our partners the Center for Israel Education, iCenter, Unpacked for Educators, The Lookstein Center, and the National Library of Israel, and features events and opportunities from these partners, and resources from additional leading organizations in Israel education and educators like you. 

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An introduction to the ideas and change-makers who helped make the State of Israel a reality.

Two illustrated children on a hike

Games, a podcast and more for celebrating Israel's 75th birthday with kids.


For Israel's 75th birthday, meet 75 Israelis who have helped share what the State of Israel is today.


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Ella Metuki 03/13/2023

Welcome! What are you most excited to teach about for Israel's 75th anniversary? 

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Ivy Schreiber 03/15/2023

I'd love to teach about Israel's music and musicians, representing its multicultural, ethnic and religious diversity.

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mordechai cohen 03/30/2023
Replied to @Ivy Schreiber
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Jonathan Fass 03/20/2023

I am thinking about an activity where I show "then and now" images of places in Israel.  This could give the learners a sense of how much Israel has developed in the last 75 years.  For example showing the learners the image of the establishment of Tel Aviv below and pairing it with another picture.

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David Bryfman 03/28/2023

Is this paragraph in Israel’s Declaration of Independence descriptive, realistic, aspirational, inspirational, or something else?

"THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations."

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mordechai cohen 03/30/2023

Micha Goodman recently said that Israel has more hate between the right and left now (than almost any other time in its history) just like in so many other countries, but in counter distinction to the other countries, he continues and says that in Israel, there is actually much more agreement between the right and the left. Do you all agree with this? Why or why not? Thank you!

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Noa Kolomer 03/31/2023
Replied to @mordechai cohen

Hi Mordechai,

Thanks for the question. I believe that it would be safe to say, that at this moment, our old understanding and meaning of "right" and "left" don't do justice to the current climate. Those who oppose the Judicial Reform have different reasons and represent different backgrounds.

There are those who are politically aligned with the Likud party who, although some believe the reform is necessary, are not supportive of the way in which the process is taking place.

You will probably not find many who historically would self identify as Israeli "left" support the reform - but the Israeli left has in itself shrunken dramatically and most Israelis would comfortably call themselves "centrists"..

Therefor, finding the terminology to describe each "camp" has been difficult, as the lines have been blurred - which I believe is what enabled so many to protest together.

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mordechai cohen 03/31/2023
Replied to @Noa Kolomer

Many thanks for your insightful reply.

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Noa Kolomer 04/14/2023

The Jewish Agency + Sha'anan Street (the lead singer from Hadag Nachash) wrote a song for Israel@75. The lyrics were gathered from submissions from around the world.…

We have uploaded the song and included some prompts to incorporate it into your classroom.

Would love your feedback. Any other ways you can think of using the song?

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Debbie Sasson 04/18/2023

Thanks for sharing this, Noa!

I might also ask students these questions and offer these activities:

  • Other than the Hebrew language, in what other ways are Jews connected? What similar values, customs, traditions, etc. exist among Jews throughout the world? Make a list in groups and then compare. Or conduct a Think-Pair-Share.
  • If you could ask some of the singers of this song a question, what would it be? What are you curious about?
  • Why do you think Jews feel such a strong connection to Israel? What is your connection? Create a collage expressing the way you connect to Israel.
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Noa Kolomer 04/18/2023
Replied to @Debbie Sasson

Love these!

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Ella Metuki 04/19/2023

For those looking for ways to talk about the protest going on in Israel, The iCenter just came out with a new resource exploring the symbols and "branding" of the protest- this is a great way to discuss this complex topic from a general, non-partisan angle!…


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