Select as many that apply.
A look at the obstacles Israel overcame between the U.N. partition vote and independence
The Labor politician speaks on the importance of Israel's Memorial Day.
An animated video on the process of adopting Judaism as a Jew by choice.
Historian Jeffrey Shandler describes Jewish life in Poland before World War II.
A source sheet from NCJW about reproductive rights in the Torah and sacred texts.
An ariticle by Rabbi Lori Koffman on the different Jewish perspectives on reproductive issues.
Conversations with novelists, journalists, and judges sharing their reflections on Jewish texts.
This session examines the issue of Reproductive Justice, specifically access to abortion, and how it impacts teens from each of these standpoints.
Judaism has a lot to say about learning. This Shavuot, stay up late and enjoy learning about...learning!
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes learning Torah sweet!