Select as many that apply.
This guide gives quick tips and information on creating a fully inclusive community where everyone can feel seen, heard and whole.
Students will learn about LGBTQIA+ Jewish hero Harvey Milk, define activism, and feel empowered to be advocates and create change in society.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes learning Torah sweet!
Listen carefully to tunes and prayers and guess what communities they are from and what rituals they are part of.
Think about important Jewish institutions and places in the community that reflect the community’s values.
Play bingo to discover the different objects you can find in a synagogue.
In the summer of 1929 in the city of Hebron, a riot quickly turned into a gruesome massacre, 67 Jews were murdered
A new song from the Jewish Agency celebrates Israel@75 by joining voices together!
Practical ideas that you can use based on what sort of wrap-up goal you want to achieve with your students.
A lesson for 4th-6th graders explores a nuanced understanding of the “golden rule,” V’ahavta L’reacha Kamocha.