Pre-IDF Brigades: Haganah, Irgun and Lechi


This video tells the fascinating story of three Jewish militias in pre-State Palestine: Haganah, Irgun, and Lechi.

This video comes with a 5-part educational guide (includes REVIEW, DISCUSSION, ACTIVITIES, REFLECTION, FURTHER LEARNING) that can be viewed online and/or downloaded as a PDF, along with a Kahoot game. 

It is also part of a series titled History of Israel Explained.

Remote video URL

Before the groups joined forces to become the IDF in 1948, they had major ideological differences. They were all set on the Zionist ideal of creating a Jewish state but disagreed about how to achieve this goal. Between Ben-Gurion’s diplomatic approach, Begin’s pro-active one, and the Stern Gang’s radicalism, tensions ran high in the ’40s. In this episode, students will consider: What were the key differences between the groups, and how did they put these differences aside to work together? Which of these groups do you identify with most and why?



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