Select as many that apply.
Utilize this selection of current Israeli poster art as a way to connect with Israel.
Five common stereotypes center around Israeli culture, religiosity and politics.
Short cartoon videos on Torah, Jewish values, holidays, history, and more from Cartoon Mason!
A source sheet with discussion questions related to the importance of voting as a Jewish value.
Have you ever wondered what the Jewish custom of Selichot (also spelled Slichot) is all about?
Learn about an awesome Chanukah tradition from the Jewish sages with Cartoon Mason!
Catch up on the incredible story of Purim, THE BEST JEWISH HOLIDAY WOOOO!
Inside this booklet, you’ll find a treasure trove of ideas and approaches to ignite creativity and passion for civic learning within Jewish spaces.
Consider what nurtures us and our community on Purim.
Make connections between Tu B’Shvat and body image awareness month!