Select as many that apply.
A guide with ideas for improv and theater games to use in your classroom
Students will learn about contemporary LGBTQ Jewish hero R. Sandra Lawson, empathize with the experience of feeling like an outsider, and start to dream about their own innovative Jewish practices.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes learning Torah sweet!
Use this lesson to explore the history of activism among Jewish American women
Moshe blesses each tribe, and we review the amazing learning we've done over this last year!
Explore the ritual of tashlikh and how teshuvah is connected with water. Family text study with questions!
Join a meaningful and fun Jewish heritage program that involves 20,000 Jewish youth from over 30 countries researching their own stories.
Think deeply about Israel and create representations of it's challenges, successes and future visions.
Three videos that explore the partition plan of 1947. November 29 is the anniversary.
Fun Activities to Add More Gratitude to Our Lives for the Thanksgiving Table!