The Teddy Bear - A Story of Survival


The Teddy Bear is a Holocaust education film project of Lappin Foundation, whose mission is enhancing Jewish identity across generations. The film is narrated by survivor Michael Gruenbaum, who spent two-and-a-half years in Terezin as a child. The film is appropriate for middle school age children and older. The length is approximately 12 minutes. A teacher’s guide is available here.

The Teddy Bear is produced by Deborah L. Coltin and animated by Benjamin Gruenbaum, Michael’s grandson.

The Teddy Bear is dedicated to Michael Gruenbaum. Thank you, Michael, for telling and re-telling your story. With gratitude for all you do to educate younger generations about the Holocaust and the need to speak up, stand up and “fix what’s broken in the world”.

For more information about The Teddy Bear or for ideas about how to use it to teach about the Holocaust, email



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement