Select as many that apply.
A census to learn about enrollment, venues, staffing, and budgets of various forms of part-time Jewish education.
Educator Resources for the Shine a Light on Antisemitism Campaign.
Learners will have fun while expanding their knowledge celebrating the beauty of the natural environment that surrounds us.
This interactive, collaborative digital activity reviews the symbolic foods eaten on Rosh Hashanah.
A collection of sheets on core topics of the High Holiday experience.
An in depth look at the meaning of the shofar.
An exploration of several of the people that you will meet on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Ishay Ribo's powerful song, "Seder Ha'Avodah", takes us on a musical and spiritual journey.
Why do we read the Torah again every year? Conversation starters for all ages.
Play Sukkot games & courses with your children or let them play on their own.