5 Jewish Women Who Changed the World


From Queen Esther of the Purim story to 17th century rabbinical scholar Asenath Barzani, and from poet and Haganah martyr Hannah Senesh to former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and former U.S. Representative Bella Abzug, these five Jewish women changed the world, each in their own way.


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Big Ideas

  1. Many Jewish women had an impact on world history.
  2. Jewish women have served in many important roles.
  3. Individuals can make a difference in the world whether they are famous or relatively unknown.

Essential Questions

  1. What impact have Jewish women had on the world?
  2. How do the actions of individuals decades, centuries or millennia ago affect us today?
  3. Can a person make a positive impact on the world even if they aren’t well known?



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