Virtual Tour of Israel's Independence Hall

Independence Hall

A virtual tour of Independence Hall, the site of Ben Gurion's announcement establishing the State of Israel.

This virtual tour of Israel's Independence Hall provides an interactive visit to one of modern Israel's most important sites, located at 16 Rothschild Blvd., in Tel Aviv.  The tour's navigation system is in Hebrew but an accompanying guide by The Jewish Education Project supports its use for English speakers.

The tour was produced by Israeli photographer Ardon Bar Hama with funding by, a project of George Blumenthal.  The tour was developed with the cooperation of the Office of the Prime Minister.

To support educators in using this digital resource to it's fullest, The Jewish Education Project has developed a guide that provides additional historical background, translations of Hebrew signage, and resources and questions for further study.

Independence Hall is currently under renovation and is not open to visitors until 2023.  A temporary visitors center is housed at Shalom Mayer Tower.  For more details click here.




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