Welcome to the Israel In Crisis Educator Community Hub.

As our community has been mobilizing and creating resources and events to support educators, The Jewish Education Project invites you to find them all in one place, along with a space for you- educators in the field- to come together and talk about what you need right now. 

Our team will be here to support you, and we encourage you to respond in the discussion board below and support each other. 

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From The Jewish Education Project

Israeli Flag blowing in old city

An article by Dr. David Bryfman about how educators are responding to the events in Israel.

Hands of two people having coffee
Applications due: Nov 3

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Letter writing

Show your support and solidarity by sending messages of deep caring.


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Ella Metuki 10/11/2023

Questions? Thoughts? Ideas? Share here! 

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Rabbi Nadia Gold 10/11/2023

I had an interesting discussion with some 6th graders last night about what is happening now in Israel. I started by asking them how much they knew and wanted them to write anonymous questions about it and I would do my best to answer. The questions spanned from "Are we going to be okay in the world?" to "Will my teacher who lives in Israel be able to tutor me?" All in all, we actually had fewer questions than I had initially thought we would have. Most were very quiet and I just felt like a disconnect? Maybe because they have not been there? I don't know. What have your experiences been so far and what are some of the favorite things you have done in the classroom?

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Rabbi Nadia Gold 10/11/2023
Replied to @Rabbi Nadia Gold

Its interesting they got much more animated when we spoke about the judicial reform process. Maybe it's the dark nature of what is happening.

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Replied to @Rabbi Nadia Gold

Super interesting! Based on the examples that you gave, it sounds like their questions are deeply existential. I'm wondering if they have the context/bandwidth to engage on this topic from a content perspective, as well as an emotional one. What has Israel meant to them so far?

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Amit Castel 10/19/2023
Replied to @Rabbi Nadia Gold


I can say I relate very much. had the same situation with some seniors that reacted in a very similar way.

I am not sure exactly what it is, according to them is mainly knowledge. After that I started gathering a lot of info and "dry" details regarding the situation.

Wondering if someone found a good recommended source. 

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Sarah Palmer 10/12/2023

Explore the National Library of Israel's source sheets about communal responsibility and solidarity, texts and primary sources that highlight the idea of cohesion between Jewish communities and letters written by children during times of war. https://education-en.nli.org.il/special-programs/words-can-make-a-difference

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Cherie Koller-Fox 10/22/2023

I am deeply concerned about this. We are assuming that our students feel a deep connnection to Israel, but we know that many do not. What are we doing to help this child understand how deeply we are feeling at this moment and why. How can we help them find the connections of heart and mind. How can we help them understand their possible encounters with antisemitism, many for the first time. 

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Shlomo Walfish 01/03/2024

Shalom from Israel,

Below is information about the Worldwide "United 4 New Trees of Life" Tu Bishvat Program.

It's a beautiful, educational and meaningful way to Unite Jews and create NEW Trees of Life in memory of those recently lost. We are still shocked and saddened by the horrific anti-Semitic murder of over 1,200 fellow Jews on Simchat Torah in Israel. Many people are looking for something meaningful, educational and impactful that they can do this coming Tu B'shvat.

Join the Worldwide "United 4 New Trees of Life" Tu B'shvat Program and connect your students to the Land of Israel in a positive way. Starting this Tu B'shvat Schools, Shuls and Communities worldwide are uniting to plant 12,000 NEW Fruit Trees near the Gaza border in memory of the 1,200 victims of the recent horrific massacre. 

Many farmers and their communities on the Gaza border were badly affected. They lost family members, friends, fellow farmers, their families moved out, plus many farmers were called up to the army reserve to fight for Israel's future. Some of the farms are on the verge of collapsing. We can help them by planting NEW Fruit Trees near the Gaza border in memory of the 1,200 victims and create NEW life!

This accomplishes 3 goals:

1. We support the farmers and communities in great need right now, help save their farms while safeguarding the holy land!

2. We show Hamas and their supporters in the world that the Jews are here to stay, we're not going anywhere, we will GROW!!
3. We're going to plant 12,000 New Fruit Trees of Life in memory of the 1,200 victims and create NEW LIFE!!! 

Thousands of New mitzvot will come from these New Fruit Trees and their Fruits, and will be leilyiu nishmat the victims, to elevate their holy souls. Trees will be planted by observant farmers in Israel through Zo Artzeinu who has helped plant over half a million fruit trees all over Israel, more than any other organization.

There is NO cost to schools and the program is simple to run. We provide everything needed.

Students will not just learn about the מצוות התלויות בארץ mitzvot applicable in Israel in theory, they will also be able to partner in fulfilling them! See Psak from HaRav Hagaon Yaakov Ariel former Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan and Rosh (director) of Machon Torah VeHa'aretz


Click This Link https://www.israeltrees.org/school-program

to see a Short Video and more info about the school program.

Please contact me if you would like to join with other schools worldwide.

Blessings from the land of Israel

Shlomo Walfish

Educational Director

02.991.5115 Israel

516.371.2474 USA (Rings in Israel)



Link to info about the program: https://www.israeltrees.org/school-program/?a=sw-info-about-program


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