The Covid-19 pandemic challenged long-held assumptions about the structure, content and learning processes for synagogue/part-time programs. Utilize this tool to test out what you have learned. It links to curriculum, frameworks, professional learning and resources too. It considers the "what's next" conundrum in part-time settings.

With the goal of helping Jewish learning and engagement move forward in part-time/synagogue settings, the JEC gathered an incredible team of Jewish educators to address the "what's next" conundrum. Since January 2021, this team has been been tackling four tasks:

  • Challenging key assumptions about learning, including shifting the role of TEACHers who "tell," to adults who serve as learning guides. This means giving children the opportunity to become empowered and engaged learners.
  • Formulating a conceptual foundation called “Gifting – A Framework for Learning and Engagement." It can be adopted, adapted, or used as a jumping off point for a different anchoring document. 
  • Developing “The 3 + 3 Project,” a pilot curriculum that blends the changing teacher/learner roles with the Gifting framework.
  • Creating a variety of professional development resources and supports for directors to use with their faculty and stakeholders

Curious to learn more? The JEC  prepared the "If Not Now, When?" booklet to offer synagogue stakeholders discussion documents and guidance for conversations.



  • Educator Training
  • Congregational Learning