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Jigzi offers teachers, parents & kids hundreds of interactive Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Resources including games, apps, lessons and courses.
In this resource, we will explore the concept of burnout and what we can do to naturally keep our flames burning longer.
This video and classroom discussion questions review the role of Judah the Maccabe and his family in the Chanukah story.
Rabbi Benay Lappe of SVARA discusses Chanukah and Jewish education.
This toolkit includes information, activities for an engaging, and educational Purim for your family and/or classroom.
Jigzi offers hundreds of Purim resources including games, apps, lessons and courses. Search for the content you need for your students or use Jigzi at home with your kids.
This drawing lesson allows young children to connect to the Pesach story in a personal way.
Jigzi has hundreds of interactive Passover games and lessons for children ages 4-14.
Guides, activities, lessons, articles, recipes and more from PJ Library.