This episode is from the Reflective Teacher Podcast a podcast that is produced from Jewish United Fund in Chicago. This episode interviews Jenna Bilmes who is the author of the book, "Beyond Behavior Management: The Six Life Skills Children Need." Jenna shares about her experience as a teacher and includes a variety of tips to support teachers in building strong attachment and sense of belonging with their students and in their classroom communities. This episode is a great resource to listen to at the beginning of a school year (or any time)!
In this second webinar of the series, Sarah Rosenblum presents foundational material about Positive Psychology and explores the intersection of those key ideas with Jewish Education. She gives practical adaptable examples for educators to try in their programs.PRE-SESSION TWO READINGWhat Exactly do we mean by Happiness? by Michelle Shapiro Abraham, the director of program development for the URJ Campaign for Youth Engagement.