An exciting blend of Passover resources and Haggadah Supplements to help your students connect with the themes of Passover.
Join our panel of educators as they explore how Jewish educators could or should respond to the events in France and around the world.
How we can provide our students and youth with the emotional support that they need now, and to empower this generation to bring about the change they want to see in this world. Access our webinar recording and resources.
Our webinar brings together experts and voices from the field, as The Jewish Education Project examins how to speak with children, teens, and families in the wake of this shifting reality; helping them cope, feel secure, and make meaning in today’s world.
Explore the opportunities and challenges of working with today’s parents of teens with Dr. Betsy Stone. Understand how they were raised and how they relate to their children.
Join co-author Arielle Levites as she discusses key findings and implications of the GenZ study with The Jewish Education Project's Susan Wachsstock.
View the recordings of our Jewish Futures Conference.
A Jewish Futures Post-Conference Webinar with Ariel Burger.
Join us for a pre-Shabbat opportunity for reflection and renewal as we explore responses that will help us, our learners, and their families cope during this crisis.
Join us to explore resources and ideas for educators to support families in creating a sense of connection for this year’s Seder.