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In this resource, we will explore the concept of burnout and what we can do to naturally keep our flames burning longer.
Get ready for Chanukah with these lesson plans, activities, videos, and more! These newly updated and expanded resources include many digital activities that work well in an online or in-person classroom environment.
This video and classroom discussion questions review the role of Judah the Maccabe and his family in the Chanukah story.
Jonathan Fass discusses The Jewish Educator Portal, Truvie, and online learning.
Rabbi Nicki Greninger speaks about her quest to transform part-time Jewish education.
Judaism believes in the opposite of “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes learning Torah sweet!
The golden ark had keruvim (the angels on the lid), but what direction did they face and why is that important?
This collection takes a deeper look at many of Purim’s unique customs.
What is the secret of Jewish survival? This lesson will explore several answers to that question.