Anti-Racism Educator and Community Collections


Sometimes an educator looks at a topic and the wealth of information in front of them and thinks about the long journey ahead. A journey is composed of many steps and these collections offer both a broad overview and a roadmap for that journey. There are four Google Doc Collections that have been shared widely by educators and that we chose to add to our Racial Justice Resource Collection. While all are listed and described below, we chose to highlight one of them in our initial Racial Justice Newsletter.

The fours Independent Google Doc collections are:

  • Scaffolding Anti-Racism Resources (highlighted above)

    A thoughtful resource list that scaffolds anti-racism resources for white people and provides a framework for white identity recognition and development. It includes Stages, Resources, and What To Do Next. Author credits are listed within.

  • Anti-Racism Resources: Compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klei.

    This is particularly useful as a curated list of diverse media (appropriate for high school+).

  • Anti-Racism & Jewish Resources: A collaborative document including suggestions and edits by Gabby Switzer, Jared Jackson, Ikenna Maduno, Gavi Welbel, Hannah Joy Sachs, Hannah Isaacs, Trudy Morse, and many more.

  • Justice in June: Compiled by Autumn Gupta and Bryanna Wallace (joint Twitter @Autumn_Bry) with engagement options divided by 10/25/45 minutes per day.



  • Educator Training
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • After School and Beyond
  • Teen Engagement