Racial Justice Playlist: Kendell Pinkney

Kendell Pinkney

This Racial Justice Playlist was created by Kendell Pinkney, the moderator of our webinar LET’S TALK ABOUT RACE: UNDERSTANDING THE CONVERSATION AS JEWS IN THIS MOMENT. Be sure to visit our entire Racial Justice Resource Collection.

  • Krista Tippet’s On Being Interview with Resmaa Menakem: Notice the Rage; Notice the Sillence | Updated June 2020 

    Resmaa Menakem offers therapy and coaching in Minneapolis and teaches across the U.S. He’s worked with U.S. military contractors in Afghanistan as well as American communities and police forces.

  • "Racial Diversity and Inclusiveness Within the Jewish Community: Past, Present and (Charting a) Future" | JTS | July 2020

    With Rabbi Sandra Lawson and Dr. Eric L. Goldstein. Moderated by Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, this recorded webinar/conversation specifically addresses the intersection of race, anti-Black racism, and anti-Semitism, and places it within an accessible historical context. Bios appear on the JTS page linked above.

  • Breaking the Antisemitism Cycle Through Solidarity” by Dove Kent | Avodah Speak Torah to Power | May 2018

    Dove Kent, is the former Executivetive Director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) in New York and now serves as the Senior Strategy Officer at Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice. She is also co-founder of Tzedek Lab, a national network of Jewish political education trainers, organizers, and spiritual leaders established to build collective competency to politicize, transform, and inspire the Jewish community into collective action against racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy.



  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • After School and Beyond
  • Teen Engagement
  • Family Engagement