On December 4-5th, 2023, The Jewish Education Project convened 150 educators, professionals, leaders, thinkers, and pioneers in the field of Israel + Jewish Peoplehood education. Together, we asked one critical question: how can we meet the needs of our learners right now? 

This resource collection will gather materials from the summit from our presenters and breakout sessions, as well as opportunities for continued learning with The Jewish Education Project and our partners. 

Resources from the Summit

Standing Strong: Express your Convictions with Pride

Experience a powerful resource that can help us articulate and express our convictions with pride.

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Kiva Rabinsky presenting the Polarities framework.

Use the Polarities framework to explore how complexities can drive educators' choices and actions.

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Where can I find hope?

A Values in Action resource engaging with the value of hope during dark times.

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A group of people at Meeting the Moment.

Enable Jewish youth to get involved and make a real difference in the world around them.

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A group of people at Meeting the Moment.

How do we understand what our learners are going through? What kind of new tools are we going to need to help them?

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A group of people at Meeting the Moment.

Explore Rav Joseph Soloveitchik's conclusions about how Jews should relate to Israel in times of crisis.

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A group of people at Meeting the Moment.

How to navigate the treacherous territory between anti-Zionist and antisemitic rhetoric.

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More Resources: Responding to Crisis

Israeli flag waving in sunset

Resources to help learners engage safely with the current crisis in Israel.

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The logo of M Squared: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education

Resources on the situation in Israel and Gaza from M2 and The Jewish Education Project.

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