Modeh Ani Gratitude Activity


This resource is accessible for students in grades K-7 with adult support. 

Begin by reviewing the prayer "Modeh Ani" that is recited in the mornings. 

Here's a link to our favorite Modeh Ani tune:

After reviewing the language of the prayer, discuss the content -- what does it mean to wake up and be thankful every morning? For what are we thankful today and everyday? 

Encourage students to brainstorm what they are thankful for. 

For grades K-2: The teacher writes "Modeh ani..." (I am thankful for....) on all the kids sheets and prompts the kids to fill in the answers, writing them in Hebrew or English, depending on the teachers' ability. 

For grades 3-7: The students copy "Modeh ani...." (I am thankful for...) onto their papers and finish their own sentences in Hebrew (with teacher help as necessary). Teachers may want to write some additional common answers on the board for students as they come up. 



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