Days of Gratitude Activities


Judaism teaches us to start our day with a prayer of gratitude, Modeh Ani  ("I give you thanks" in Hebrew).  This daily verbal act of appreciation has been practiced for hundreds of years by Jews all over the world.  The mission for Days of Gratitude is to acknowledge blessings and increase resilience for individuals and communities through intentional expressions of gratitude. These activities enhance relationships through the power of gratitude to increase resilience, strengthen unity, and expand kindness.

The View Resources link below will take you to the Activities section of the Days of Gratitude website.

Days of Gratitude was originally created and launched in Israel as "Ten Days of Gratitude" by Beit Prat-Israeli Midrasha, and is ignited worldwide with support from : The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education and the Schusterman Fellowship  Days of Gratitude offers nine days of activities and inspirational videos that refocus our attention on the importance of recognizing and cultivating an appreciation of the good in our lives.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Camp
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement