Curate & Create - Yom Ha'atzmaut Poster competition


In these difficult and painful times the Jewish people are coping with tragedy and loss, but also witnessing the strength and resilience of Israeli society and the Jewish community at large. It is with this sentiment The National Library of Israel is launching the Curate & Create Yom Ha’atzmaut Poster Competition! Curate & Create can serve as a channel for students to reflect on their own connection to Israel and to create a unique poster that illustrates their individual message.


Participants: Students ages 6-18 
Prizes: The four winning entries will be rewarded $750 according to age group (6-11/12-18) and track (individual/group entries). 
For individuals: $750 towards a ticket to Israel, and for group projects: $750 towards a group or school-wide activity about Israel. 
Teachers of winning entries will receive a special gift from the NLI as a token of our appreciation. 
Submissions can be made in advance of Yom Ha’atzmaut (May 14th, 2024) and will be open till May 24th, 2024.



  • Camp
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement