Webinar: Approaching Transitions... Ending our Year with Positivity, Reflection, and Ritual
How, in these uncertain times, do we mark important transitions and promote reflection as this school year of Jewish learning comes to a close? Join us as we explore ways to provide meaningful closure in virtual spaces.
Moderated by Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith, Managing Director, Leadership Initiatives, The Jewish Education Project
- Sarah Rosenblum Presentation Copy of
- Copy of Phreddy Nosanwisch Presentation and End of Year Ceremony (this is a Word file that you can download and adapt)
- Virtual Coffee Follow-up Materials

Rabbi Samantha Frank was raised in Silver Spring, MD. She graduated from Tufts University, where she earned her B.A. in French and Community Health. Prior to becoming a Rabbi, she worked as a research assistant at the NYU Child Study Center in the field of mental health policy. She served as student rabbi at Temple Beth Am in Monessen, PA, rabbinical intern at Yale Hillel: Joseph Slifka Center for Student Life in New Haven, CT, and as rabbinical intern at Temple Micah in Washington DC. Rabbi Frank was honored to be a Bonnie and Daniel Tisch Rabbinical Fellow and recipient of the BeWise Fellowship for entrepreneurship, as well as a Jewish Innovation Fellow at 92Y.
She is currently a Rabbinic Fellow at Temple Micah, where she is creating a new cycle of haftarot readings that will serve to reanimate the prophetic voice in Shabbat worship. Rabbi Frank is co-creator of the Jewish educational resource, @Modern_Ritual (on Instagram and at www.modernritual.org). In addition to thinking creatively about how to share the beauty and meaning of Jewish tradition, Rabbi Frank loves all pasta variations. She lives in Brooklyn.
Rabbi Frank is the Director of Education in the Bronfman Center at 92Y, where she teaches intro to Judaism courses and directs the Jewish afterschool program, ATiD.
Rena Singer is the co-founder of Modern Ritual, an online source for beautiful Jewish content and community. Rena is a fifth year rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion. Rena was raised in Seattle and got her BA in Philosophy at Brandeis University. Rena spent two years studying as a yeshiva student at the Hadar Institute on the Upper West Side. Rena is a Tisch rabbinic fellow and has participated in the Be Wise Fellowship for Jewish Entrepreneurialism, the 92Y Jewish Innovation Fellowship, and the Hillel Innovation Fellowship. Rena is an intern at Central Synagogue.
Modern Ritual is an online resource that models fresh, accessible Jewish living. Through an instagram which reaches over 14 thousand people daily, Modern Ritual empowers and inspires people to bring Judaism into their day to day lives.

Sarah Rosenblum is a graduate of The University of Pennsylvania’s Masters in Applied Positive Psychology program (MAPP). Her graduate thesis was titled: “Positive Jewish Education: A pathway to thriving in 21st century Jewish Education”. Sarah is passionate about revitalizing Jewish education and works with organizations to help promote well-being from a Jewish lens. Sarah’s career is focused on helping students and educators thrive, cultivate resilience, and capitalize on their strengths. In addition to her work as a positive psychology practitioner, Sarah serves as a college counseling director and she has worked at Marymount Manhattan College, Rice University, and Xavier Academy. Sarah lives in Houston and she teaches Positive Psychology courses to students and educators ranging from day schools, congregational programs, and law schools. Sarah is currently running a Positive Psychology series for Jewish educators in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston. She also creates workshops and professional development programs for schools and companies across the country to help promote flourishing communities.

Phreddy Nosanwisch teaches spiritual technologies and Hebrew school at Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale in The Bronx, N.Y. He uses as many modalities as possible (including art, scent, music, film, movement, food, prayer and text) in Judaism to help connect his students to each other, their world, G-d and themselves in deeper and more life-affirming ways.
- Early Childhood
- Congregational Learning
- After School and Beyond