Teaching Israel- Educator Training
Curated Series
The Jewish Education Project
This curated collection contains materials to help you- the educator- think about Israel education in your setting, contend with the big questions, and learn from others in the field. Most resources in this collection predate October 7th, 2024, but touch on relevant issues for this time.

Rabbi Leor Sinai discusses what life is like in Israel during Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzma’ut, two holidays he identifies as part of the "Modern Days of Awe", and discusses how educators can transmit the significance of these days to learners, wherever they are in the world.
Listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
For resources on mentioning these special days with your learners, click here.

A seven-part series of sessions that assist parents in having meaningful conversations with their older teens about Israel from Makom.
Makom, a project of the Jewish Agency for Israel, is the place for challenging Israel education, enabling participants to ask challenging questions, while also providing a challenging and exciting experience.