Supporting Youth Affected by the Violence in Israel and Gaza 9 0 National Association of School Psychologists (Bethesda, MD) Guide Antisemitism Israel - Contemporary Israel - State 3 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 12 This resource provides tools and guidance for educators to help children and youth feel safe by helping them understand what is going on factually, how events do or do not affect their lives, and how to manage their emotional reactions. View Resources Resources for Educators Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting After School and Beyond Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Family Engagement Discover more Collection Israel-Hamas War: Resources for All Educators This collection contains resources applicable in both Jewish and non-Jewish educational settings. 174 0 Jewish Historic Dress From North Africa, Middle East, and Central Asia Explore Jewish clothing through the lens of immigration and migration, rituals, assimilation, and identity. 14 0 Processing Attacks in Israel and the Outbreak of War in the Region Help students process violence, terror, and the loss of life in the wake of attacks in Israel and Israel's declaration of war against Hamas. 227 2