Shine A Light Lessons for Congregational and Informal Settings - 6-8 Grade


Imagine your participants joyfully dancing to pop music to celebrate their newfound joy at understanding how bending light is similar to sharing light - making it shift and spread. This lesson uses two science experiment options for bending light as the foundation for then exploring Hillel and Shammai's debate over increasing light on the Chanukiah or decreasing it.  Participants also will discuss how bending light can break a pattern - such as the pattern of antisemitism in our midst. 

Created by:

Jennifer Newfeld Headshot

Dr. Jennifer Newfeld is the Chair of Jewish Life and a Rabbinics teacher in the middle school at the Charles E Smith Jewish Day School (CESJDS) in Maryland. Prior to working at CESJDS she spent 13 years in synagogue education administration in New York, St Louis and Maryland and many, many summers at a variety of Jewish summer camps. She is also an educational consultant and curriculum writer and has worked with Shalom Learning, the St Louis and Washington DC Federations, ARJE and several synagogues. Jennifer holds an Ed.D. in Jewish Educational Leadership from Northeastern University, an MA from the Jewish Theological Seminary and an M.Ed. from George Mason University.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Family Engagement