Sharing Life Stories Program Guide


In this 90-minute intergenerational program, teens (ages 12–15) and family members experience how to have deeper and more meaningful family conversations. Together they identify significant events in their lives and learn to ask open-ended questions that can cultivate stronger emotional connections in their family. 

Families will:

  • Identify significant life experiences at different stages of life.
  • Explore feelings associated with those significant life events.
  • Learn how to write and ask probing questions that can elicit a personal story from others.

Visit the Jewish Grandparents Network Family Room for experiences and resources that help grandparents infuse their relationship with their grandchildren with Jewish culture, values, and traditions. 

You can adapt the experiences for family programs; see How to Create Your Own Program Guides Using Family Room Experiences (JGN)

Search on Jewish Grandparents Network for all eight program guides.



  • Camp
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement