Mussar Introduction


The Mussar Institute’s teen program, Challenges and Choices: A Jewish Teen’s Guide to a Balanced Life, is an interactive, experiential, and engaging curriculum for students grades 9-12. Challenges and Choices offers practical ways for teens to become their “best selves” through the spiritual practice of Mussar.

With the goal of creating a deeper connection to Judaism, Challenges and Choices helps teens find meaning and purpose by navigating life choices in healthy ways that reflect Jewish values. Using practical Jewish wisdom, facilitated discussions, and a focus on social, emotional, and spiritual learning, the program also addresses the mental health stressors brought on by life’s challenges facing today’s teens.

For more information and additional curriculum resources, please visit our website and reach out to Kim ( or Leslie-Anne ( 

Kim Rosenthal

I have been working with youth for 15 years, nine of those in a Jewish professional capacity. Currently I serve as the Assistant Director of the Teen Program with The Mussar Institute. My role entails training educators to bring Mussar to the teens at their sites (day schools, religious school, after-school programs, etc.), curriculum development, and data management. 



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement

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