Jonah and the Whale 279 5 BBC Teach Video Jewish Holidays (Chagim) Jewish Tradition TaNaKh K - 2 3 - 5 This video from the BBC gives a short overview of the story of Jonah and the Whale appropriate for young elementary learners. The link also includes discussion questions, activity ideas and songs to accompany a lesson about this subject. View Resources Jonah and the Whale Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting After School and Beyond Camp Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Discover more Collection Yom Kippur Resource Collection The Jewish Educator Portal has curated a unique set of resources to help teach Yom Kippur. 5479 35 Yom Kippur Text Study Guide Consider themes from the story of Jonah and the Whale like knowing who you are in a storm. 169 0 The Conversations Jewish Educators Must Have Now Dr. David Bryfman, Chief Executive Officer, The Jewish Education Project 50 0