Anti-Racism Educator and Community Collections
The fours Independent Google Doc collections are:
- Scaffolding Anti-Racism Resources (highlighted above)
A thoughtful resource list that scaffolds anti-racism resources for white people and provides a framework for white identity recognition and development. It includes Stages, Resources, and What To Do Next. Author credits are listed within.
- Anti-Racism Resources: Compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klei.
This is particularly useful as a curated list of diverse media (appropriate for high school+).
- Anti-Racism & Jewish Resources: A collaborative document including suggestions and edits by Gabby Switzer, Jared Jackson, Ikenna Maduno, Gavi Welbel, Hannah Joy Sachs, Hannah Isaacs, Trudy Morse, and many more.
- Justice in June: Compiled by Autumn Gupta and Bryanna Wallace (joint Twitter @Autumn_Bry) with engagement options divided by 10/25/45 minutes per day.
- Educator Training
- Congregational Learning
- Day Schools and Yeshivas
- After School and Beyond
- Teen Engagement