Shine A Light Lessons for Congregational Schools- 3-5 Grade


In two lessons, one recommended for 3rd/4th and one recommended for 4th/5th, educators will guide students through exploring the connections between bullying and antisemitism and their Jewish obligation to serve as UpStanders for others, and how to engage others in being their ally.  The framework is set against the story of the Maccabees, who role model for us having the courage (internal light) to stand against antisemitism.

Created By:

Stephanie Marshall Headsot

Stephanie Marshall, RJE has been engaging learners for 34 years. Teaching all ages, toddlers to adults, she has worked as the Education Director at synagogues and Jewish agencies around the country, as the director of Jewish Day camps, and as both an educator and faculty member at several Jewish sleep away camps. Stephanie has also spent many years as a youth group advisor. She has her MA in Jewish Education from HUC-JIR, where she was awarded the Rabbi Mordecai and Eve Soloff Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. Stephanie has also earned a certificate in Innovation and Change/Excellence in School Leadership from NewCAJE and is certified in Youth Mental Health First Aid.  She is currently based in Tulsa, OK.





  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Family Engagement