Select as many that apply.
A collection from the National Library of Israel to commemorate Israel's independence.
Part of the series "Israel Explained", this includes a video, 5-part educational guide and Kahoot game.
This guide examines philanthropy through the lens of Civil Rights and Anti-Racism.
A children's picture book about a family's first celebration of Thanksgiving.
This book, created by the Jewish Funders Network, grounds disability rights in Jewish values.
A recorded webinar that focus on the unique sensory challenges that surface in school.
These stories feature bold characters, historical figures, and inspiring personalities.
Hebrew at the Center provides DIY Sukkah art activity to help students learn to describe colors and shapes when explaining how they built their sukkah.
Students consider the benefits and challenges of identity labeling and their identity experiences.
A fun way to interact with the weekly portion and an easy lesson plan that is ready to use.