Select as many that apply.
Lesson plans and activities for 4th-6th graders to explore the Warsaw Ghetto from the perspective of a child.
An easy to follow 8-part video series on kashering your kitchen for Passover with Rabbi Ethan Tucker.
The finale of this season includes wondering about God's presence filling the mishkan.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes learning Torah sweet!
An advanced educational platform from Jewish Interactive featuring thousands of games, lessons & resources, creation tools and a global community!
Learn more about how Israel is a favorite international destination for its Pride Parades.
A collection of Passover printables from PJ library
Use this list as a guide for choosing books to discuss the Holocaust with children.
These Jewish soldiers took part in the liberation of Europe from the clutches of Nazi Germany.
Explore the concept of moral courage through the story of the midwives of Egypt and the lives of Holocaust rescuers