This guide provides guidelines for mandated reporting in the State of New York, including the role of the reporter, indications of maltreatment, physical abuse and/or sexual abuse. This guide additionally includes hotlines to call for suspected abuse. When you call the hotline, a trained specialist will help to determine if you are a mandated reporter and if an incident requires reporting.
Why does Rabbi Ben Spratt, Senior Rabbi of Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City, believe Jewish educators are key to the next phase of American Jewish life? He shares this and his other insights on the current state of American Jewish life on this episode of Adapting: The Future of Jewish Education. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or below.
The Jewish Education Project has partnered with Eastern Suffolk BOCES (BOCES) to assist the Jewish (and other non-public) day schools in all processes related to Grades 3-8; NYSESLAT; and NYSITELL answer sheets which are no longer provided by New York State Education Department (NYSED) in the test booklets.
Community Synagogue of Rye (CSR), NY. Learners in 5th-7th grade meet weekly with a moreh derech (guide/teacher) in each other’s homes to explore Jewish answers to everyday questions. The model includes Family Limmud monthly.