Shine a Light on Antisemitism Program: 9th-12th Grades Informal Settings


Set on the background of the Maccabean Revolt, this lesson uses primary source material on antisemitism to inspire learners to develop strategies to stand up and combat hatred.

Learners will encounter voices from the 20th-21st centuries who at various points spoke out against antisemitism, distilling down elements of bravery and allyship. They will learn about recent statistics of Jew Hatred that have occurred in the United States and use resources from the Anti-Defamation League to create their own strategies to respond to antisemisitm. 

Created By:

erica Hruby Headshot

Erica Hruby serves as the Executive Director of Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Network (JTEEN). Erica has worked for more than twenty-five years in the Jewish world. She has served as an educator, administrator, and consultant in many areas of Jewish life: two synagogues in the greater Atlanta area; BBYO and Beit Hamidrash (Hebrew High) in Orlando; Hillel at the University of Central Florida; the American Hebrew Academy (AHA) in Greensboro, North Carolina; and in several organizations and foundations specializing in Israel education, Jewish camping, and Jewish teen education and engagement. Erica also works as a parent and teen educator and coach, offering customized parenting education and she facilitates an online course she co-created called, PhD in Parenting Tweens and Teens. Erica holds a B.A. in Psychology/Religion from Stetson University and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Argosy University.




  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Early Childhood
  • Family Engagement