Shine a Light on Antisemitism National Website 135 2 Shine A Light on Antisemitism (New York, New York) - Shine A Light on Antisemitism Website Antisemitism Bullying Character Strengths Civic Education Not Grade Specific Viist the national Shine a Light on Antisemitism website by clicking here. Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting After School and Beyond Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Early Childhood Family Engagement Discover more Collection Shine a Light on Antisemitism A national initiative to create a collective light of celebration and spread the joy of Chanukah. 540 8 Speak or Stay Silent This lesson explores the role of speaking up versus staying silent when negative things are happening. 76 1 Hate and Society's Ills Through Speech and Art This lesson explores the origins and impact of antisemitism through the lens of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l. 56 0