Judah the Maccabee Video 707 20 The Lookstein Center Partner Content Lesson Video Jewish Holidays (Chagim) Jewish Tradition Jewish Text and Thought 3 - 5 6 - 7 This video and classroom discussion questions review the role of Judah the Maccabe and his family in the Chanukah story. View Resources Judah the Maccabee Video Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link This video and classroom discussion questions review the role of Judah the Maccabe and his family in the Chanukah story. Details Setting After School and Beyond Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Early Childhood Family Engagement Discover more Collection Resources for Teaching Hanukkah A curated collection of diverse Chanukah resources for your students' holiday learning. 8557 106 The Jewish Connection to the Land | Settlements Part 2 Judah and Samaria: Why do the Jewish People have their own name for this area of Israel? 235 85 Facts You Probably Don't Know About Israel An entertaining video sharing all sorts of facts about Israel. 250 78