Understanding Your Community Through the Story of Purim


Like most Jewish texts, Megillat Esther teaches strong values, morals and ethics. Behind the miracles in this story lies the value of community, and we learn that communities are comprised of both bullies and allies. It is good for our mental health to identify who or what in our lives is a “Haman” and who or what is a “Mordecai.” When we reflect on these ideas, we can decide what boundaries to set or the people to whom we can go to for support.

Using the model of Mordecai and Haman from the Purim story, this project encourages participants to think critically about the things in their lives and determine what things are helping them, the Mordecais, and what things are hurting them, the Hamans. Doing this exercise will help them learn how to set healthy boundaries with different people and things in their lives.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement