Masks that Conceal; Masks that Reveal - A Text Study and Mask-Making Activity


In this lesson, based on the Megillah (Scroll of Esther) and the work of Dr. Norman J. Cohen, students will see that masks are actually a powerful technology to both reveal and conceal. This lesson will help both students and educators internalize how we all wear masks in life to show and hide different parts of ourselves. 

The lesson, written for students in high school and up, ends with a mask making activity.

For a version of the lesson written for students in grades 2-4, see Who's Behind That Mask? Text Study and Art Activity.

Essential Questions

  • How do masks function in the Megillah?
  • In what ways do masks conceal parts of ourselves? How do they also reveal parts of ourselves?

Learning Objectives

  • Students appreciate the motif of masks in the Megillah.
  • Students are able to relate a message from the text to their own lives.
  • Students express themselves through text study and visual art.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement
  • Family Engagement