Ever thought about why Jews have so many rules around food, also known as keeping kosher? Dive into this question, exploring the intricate rules and their profound meanings. Through personal stories, humor, and scholarly insights, uncover how kosher laws foster mindfulness, ethical eating, and a deeper connection to heritage and spirituality.


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Big Ideas

  1. Food and the laws of keeping kosher connect Jews to important moments in Jewish history and perpetuate a sense of continuity.
  2. Many of the reasons for keeping kosher emphasize developing ethical sensitivities, appreciating the natural world, and our own spiritual health.
  3. The laws of keeping kosher keep the Jewish people distinct from other groups, which has both negative and positive consequences.
Essential Questions
  1. Can the laws of keeping kosher strengthen connections between Jews living in different communities and time periods? 
  2. What are the different physical, social, and spiritual reasons given for keeping kosher?
  3. How might keeping kosher impact the relationship of Jews with their non-Jewish friends and neighbors?



  • After School and Beyond
  • Camp
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas