Through the Dark, Pursuing the Light Beyond Dvar and Learning Guide


As we approach Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah and are forced to conceptualize what it will mean to mark the first yahrtzeit of October 7, 2023, while also celebrating the holiday, many of us are feeling uncertainty and a fear to hope for too much. Simhat Torah reminds us that even (and perhaps especially) in times like these, we can lean on our partnership with Torah and each other to connect, converse and support one another. 

Pedagogy of Partnership offers this Dvar Torah: Through the Dark, Pursuing the Light Beyond and accompanying learning guide to call upon that relationship and explore the idea of how we can reach past darkness and pursue light.

Pedagogy of Partnership is a comprehensive Jewish educational model that trains educators to bring Torah to the next generation. PoP offers an extensive menu of trainings and resources for Jewish educators, schools, and families. For additional resources, please visit our Educator Resources



  • Educator Training
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement