Osirak: When Israel Destroyed Iraq’s Nuclear Program


On the night before the holiday of Shavuot 1981, Prime Minister Menachem Begin shocked his cabinet by announcing they would be launching a surprise attack called “Operation Opera” on a nuclear reactor in Iraq, known as Osirak.

Should the operation fail, the lives of four million Israelis would be at risk; however, Begin chose to go ahead with the plan. Despite the large criticism Israel faced in the aftermath, Operation Opera was successful in protecting Israel and preventing Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein from building nuclear weapons.

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Big Ideas
  1. Jewish history has taught the Jewish people to believe their enemies when they say they want to destroy them.
  2. “Never again” is not just a Jewish slogan but an Israeli promise to protect the Jewish people.
  3. Leaders must make difficult decisions that can include asking soldiers to put their lives in harm’s way. 
Essential Questions
  1. What external factors should be taken into consideration when making important decisions to protect one’s country?
  2. What are the most important responsibilities of a country’s leader?
  3. Is it fair to ask individuals to risk their own lives to save an entire nation? (or to save a large amount of people)?



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