B'nai Mitzvah Revolution


The purpose of the BMR Innovations Guide is to highlight b’nai mitzvah related innovations developed around North America that can spark innovation or be adapted in other congregations or communities.

The Guide is organized into six main purposes that typically inform b’nai mitzvah Innovation:

  • Repairing the World: Innovations that inspire practice of mitzvot typically relating to g’milut chasadim (loving acts of kindness), tikkun olam (social justice).
  • Innovative Rituals: Innovations that add new rituals into the b’nai mitzvah process or inspire practice of mitzvot typically relating to Torah (learning) and avodah (prayer or ritual).
  • Mentoring: Innovations that connect b’nai mitzvah students and/or families with others in the community, who will nurture, teach and guide them.
  • Becoming an Adolescent: Innovations that support children and their families by focusing on the social, emotional and spiritual changes and milestones that accompany adolescence.
  • Participating in Community: Innovations that infuse the b’nai mitzvah preparation with personal meaning, while maintaining the communal nature of the congregation and the worship service.
  • Family Engagement: Innovations that work to engage whole families in Jewish learning and practice.

This guide was developed by the Union for Reform Judaism and Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion.



  • Camp
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement