Adapting Podcast: The Ruach Behind the Rhythm


Think of a time from your childhood when song helped you learn, whether it was memorizing all 50 states in the U.S., Jewish prayers, or the ABC's. How effective was learning that topic through song? How did it feel to recall this? Music not only helps us learn, but also builds connection, boosts happiness, and holistically embodies learners, well into adulthood.

Naomi Less with a guitar

We’re excited to kick off Adapting in the new year on an upbeat note - pun intended! - with the talented Naomi Less, an internationally celebrated singer/songwriter, ritualist, and educator. David Bryfman and Naomi talk about the power of and intention behind using music as a tool in experiential education, the influence of Christian rock, and “Storah Telling,” which brings Jewish ritual to life through music and active participation in the stories of the Torah. Listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!



  • Educator Training
  • Camp
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Early Childhood