Israel's Rocky Path to Independence Day


Zionist leaders faced Arab, British and American opposition after the U.N. vote Nov. 27, 1947, to create Jewish and Arab states but pushed ahead with independence May 14, 1948.

This article by Professor Kenneth Stein examines the diplomatic obstacles from the British and the Americans and the military opposition from Arabs inside and outside Palestine and how David Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders responded and ultimately pushed ahead with independence. The post, with linked sources for further study, serves as a good basis of discussion while celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut.

The different interests discussed could serve as the basis for a role-playing simulation. Some students could play the part of the British hoping to maintain a Mediterranean outlet for Arab oil. Others could play U.S. State Department officials worried about being sucked into a Middle East war and opening the way for the Soviets to move in, as well as Palestinian Arabs, representatives of Jordan's King Abdullah, other Arab national leaders, Jewish leaders pushing for quick independence and other Jewish leaders counseling delay.



  • Teen Engagement
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas