All in the Family: family conversations about Israel.

Makom, a project of the Jewish Agency for Israel, is the place for challenging Israel education, enabling participants to ask challenging questions, while also providing a challenging and exciting experience.

A seven-part series of sessions that assist parents in having meaningful conversations with their older teens about Israel from Makom. 

Makom, a project of the Jewish Agency for Israel, is the place for challenging Israel education, enabling participants to ask challenging questions, while also providing a challenging and exciting experience.

Session 1: What are we? 

In this session, families will explore the idea that the Jews are a People, and that “religion” does not sufficiently describe the Jewish collective.

Session 2: Looking after our people 

In this session, families will explore how the Jewish People constantly wrestles with the need to look after Jews, and the need to look out for the world and how Israel sees its responsibility for Jews around the world and not just in Israel. 

Session 3: One for all and all for one?

In this session, families will understand that there is an ongoing question as to when showing solidarity for one’s own people might result in discrimination against another’s.

Session 4: Freedom and Responsibility

In this session, families will explore the connection between freedom and responsibility.

Session 5: Freedoms that clash

In this session, families will explore the principle of freedom and how it can chime with peoplehood as well as how it can come into tension with peoplehood.

Session 6: What do we mean by “our land”?

In this session, families will explore the the rights and tensions of having a connection to a shared space and what that means with regards to home and homeland. 

Session 7: The Hatikva vision, tensions and harmony

In this final session, families will bring it all together and explore the penultimate line of Israel’s National Anthem: To be a Free People In Our Land. 



  • Teen Engagement
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Family Engagement